Creative Infographic
Statistical data regarding the entire creative market monitored by the cultural and tourism office of Bandung city, encompassing creative market players, types of creative markets, and products distributed in each creative market in every area and region.
0 Amount of Creative Economy Actors
0 Verified of Creative Economy Actors
Creative Economy Actors Not Verified
Amount of Creative Industry Actor

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Per Subsector

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Per Pentahelix

Statistical data on the overall creative market monitored by the Bandung city culture and tourism office, including creative market players, types of creative markets, and products distributed in each creative market in every region and area until 2025

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Per District & Urban Village

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Based on DPMPTSP Data

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Based on Business License

Statistical data on the overall creative market monitored by the Bandung city culture and tourism office, including creative market players, types of creative markets, and products distributed in each creative market in every region and area until 2025

Amount of Creative Economy Actors Based on Owner Type (HKI)

Statistical data on the overall creative market monitored by the Bandung city culture and tourism office, including creative market players, types of creative markets, and products distributed in each creative market in every region and area until 2025

Creative economy actors based on Business Registration Number (NIB) per district

Creative economy actors based on Business Registration Number (NIB) per sub-district