What is SAFARI HKI Creative Economy?
SAFARI HKI Creative Economy, is an online integrated service facility through the PATRAKOMALA portal to facilitate the creative economy enablers in the seventeen subsectors of Bandung City creative economy who wish to apply for Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) to Kemenkum and HAM RI.Safari HKI economy creative is one of Bandung City"s goverment real step to reduce the low level of ownership HKI creative economy enablers of Bandung City, by increasing the ease of access to service facilities from manual to online and improving service quality by improving standard operating procedures that provide more assurance for creative economy actors to obtain HKI certificates.

Tahap seleksi administrasi. Pastikan formulir diisi dengan benar dan dokumen yang diperlukan sesuai.

Dalam rangka memberi edukasi dasar mengenai Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, calon penerima fasilitasi diberi pembekalan oleh narasumber expert dalam bidangnya, termasuk dari Kanwil Kemenkumham RI
Setiap peserta diwajibkan untuk hadir dalam sesi konsultasi untuk mengidentifikasi kesiapan dan kelayakan usaha peserta dan mengurangi resiko kegalalan.


The business segments that receive SAFARI HKI Creative Economy services are individuals or business entities?
Creative Economy SAFARI HKI services can be used for individuals, micro businesses, small businesses and small industries.
What administrative equipment must be prepared?
The Creative Economy SAFARI HKI service will be carried out in stages according to the needs of Creative Economy actors in the City of Bandung, in the early stages the type of Creative Economy Intellectual Property Rights service will begin for Brand and Copyright services, but it is possible for other types of HKI services if the conditions are allow.
What types of Intellectual Property Rights can be served through SAFARI HKI Creative Economy?
Yes, a technical meeting will be held on April 26, 2021. Each team that participates in the Hackathon Contest is required to send only one representative who will be present at the technical meeting to receive technical guidance.
Are SAFARI HKI Creative Economy services paid for?
No fees or free.
What service facilities are provided in SAFARI HKI Creative Economy?
The service facilities provided are assistance by HKI expert consultants, financing for HKI submissions to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and monitoring to the determination of HKI certificates by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Can creative economy actors who are not residents of Bandung City get SAFARI HKI Creative Economy services?
The priority for SAFARI HKI Creative Economy services are creative economy actors who are residents of the city of Bandung.
What are Intellectual Property Rights (HKI)?
Intellectual property rights or abbreviated as HKI are the equivalent words commonly used for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), namely the rights that arise for the results of thought processes that produce a product or process that is useful for humans, in essence IPR is the right to enjoy economically the results of an intellectual creativity. Objects regulated in IPR are works that arise or are born because of human intellectual abilities.
In general, IPR is divided into 2 (two) parts, namely:
1. Copyright2. Industrial Property Rights (Industrial Design) consist of:
- Patent
- Industrial Design
- Brand
- Trade Secret
- Integrated circuit layout design
- Countering fraudulent competition practices
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